Monday, September 17, 2012

Pins of the Week - The Good, The Bad and the Really Awful!

I am so glad that last week is behind me.  It was a chore to get through some hours of the days as well, let's just say it wasn't the best week in a while as far as work goes.  Now, family?  That's another story.  I do have to say that spending time with J and L makes me so very happy and they keep me grounded.  The cheer me up, make me laugh and remind me that it doesn't matter what else is happening - they are what is most important to me.

We had time last week to try a few more pins.  They are definitely a hodge podge of pins but here goes.....

CLEANER!  Oh my goodness.  I had seen this one and was pretty much ready to blow it off.  You always find pins that make fantastic claims and they turn out to be a waste of time, effort and money.  NOT so with this one.  I used an empty (and clean) window cleaner bottle, mixed this one together and holy shit - it really worked!  Now, my showers and tubs weren't THAT bad but I do have to say that this cleaner shined the chrome and really worked on the shower doors and walls.  In our bathroom it was quick, painless and pretty much odor free.  It L's bathroom the smell was stronger (don't know why) and lingered for two days.  He was convinced it smelled like Salt & Vinegar Chips - he was right!

Tub & Shower Magic (Dawn & White Vinegar.) Oh my gosh I made this stuff and it's fantastic! You should see my sinks, showers and faucets They look brand new! Must try.
Tub and Shower Cleaner DIY
We tried some new cookies this past week and I have to say - they are some of the BEST we have ever had.  They were unique in that the recipe called for ground almonds in the dough.  I don't know how or why nor do I care - all I can say is WOW!

Sweet-Salty Almond Chocolate Chippers
Chocolate Almond Sweet and Salties

I don't really want to post what we consider bad pins but if I didn't then I wouldn't be telling the truth.  I had seen this pin floating around A LOT and though "Ok, we'll give it a try - MUST be good".  OMG - it was simply awful!  I can't believe the money spent on ingredients for results that tasted like they came out of a can.  Seriously, for the Finley family there wasn't one redeeming quality about this recipe.  You are more than welcome to click the link and try it for yourselves - blech.

Spaghetti in Garlic Gravy

What do you do when you have a pin that you try and you don't like it?  Or even if you do like it?  I have gotten into the habit of commenting on my pins every time I try one.  Even if they are "bad" I leave them there with a comment so I know not to accidentally re-pin it in the future and/or to never try again.

Did you try any pins this past week that are worth sharing?  

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