Friday, November 1, 2013

Five Friday Favorites

 Whew - Halloween has come and gone!  My teenager decided he was a bit too old (at only 13) to trick or treat this year.  Instead, he wanted a Pumpkin Spice Latte and to ride around and look at all the other trick or treaters.  For some reason, even though the weather was PERFECT to be outside, it just didn't seem like there were many kids out and about this year.  There's no candy to eat in the house and for that I am grateful!  ;)

So, what's on my mind today?  Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and the whole mad rush of craziness that is about to ensue..... ah, 'tis the season!

A few favorites this week could certainly come in handy during the Holiday season.  

Usually when I visit others I like to take "presents".  They never have to be anything expensive or over the top but just something to let my friends know that I am thinking of them.  A perfect one for this time of year with the abundance of apples?

Apples with Toffee Caramel Dip:  Isn't this one just as cute as can be?   Super easy to put together and simply by changing the ribbon you can tailor it for MANY occasions!

Fresh Autumn Apples with a Toffee Caramel Dip
My new found favorite Side Dish?  Well, one of the anyway is Spaghetti Squash any which way I can get it!  The resounding winner in the house seems to be Spaghetti Squash with Parmesan and Herbs.  My house has adapted it somewhat from this Martha Stewart recipe but it's pretty much similar to our way.  I have a pretty good feeling this will be making its way onto the Thanksgiving table this year.  
Roasted Squash with Parmesan and Herbs
Spaghetti Squash with Parmesan and Herbs

My latest obsession......SUSPENDERS!  I know, I don't get it etiher!  I am on the lookout for some cool suspenders.  Something along the lines of a pencil skirt with suspenders.  Or, jeans with suspenders, dress pants with suspenders......I really don't care!  I just know I have to have them!  This particular pencil skirt with suspenders you can find here. 
MOSCHINO C&C Pencil Skirt with Suspenders
Pencil Skirt with Suspenders

My Public Service Announcement for the week?  Don't forget to change your clocks this weekend!  It's the end of Daylight Savings on Sunday, November 3rd.  If you don't?  You are going to be early everywhere you go on Monday.  So, go on, take that extra hour of sleep!!!
Set Your Clocks Back One Hour
Lastly?  I have to end this with a funny video!  I don't know what is going on but Jimmy Fallon has been tearing it up for this household!  But, when you put two faves together like Jimmy Fallon and the cutie patootie Joseph Gordon Levitt?  HI - LAR - I- OUS!  They were all fantastic but JGL absolutely NAIILED both Sir Elton Jon and Nicki Minaj!  Am I right??  (You can find JGL at 3:16 and 7:58 - you're welcome!  And the band member's face between 8:48 - 8:57?  Priceless!)

Until next week!!!  Peace, Love and Twizzlers for all!

I LOVE comments! Let me know what you think......

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